The Tausendeimerberg, which rises directly from the Danube, is composed of the metamorphic rocks paragneiss and marble on its front. Marbles, like gneisses, are metamorphic rocks that formed in the Wachau during the variscan mountain building. The source materials are limestones. If these had a higher clay content, they became silicate marbles with a high content of mica.
The profile from the Tausendeimerberg shows a marble rendzina. The fine soil above the parent rock is by far the richest in humus of all Wachau vineyard soils and forms an essential water and nutrient reservoir for the very dry site.
The stratified silicate marble has a calcite concentration of 80 %, clear evidence of limestone as the starting product of the rock metamorphosis to silicate marble during the variscan mountain building.