Grüner Veltliner Singerriedel Smaragd 2022 – Silber 93 Punkte „Aromatic nose with peppery spiciness, touches of fresh herbs and floral hints. Generous and structured a complex texture.“
Riesling 1000-Eimerberg Smaragd 2022 – Silber 93 Punkte „Rich nose with distinct spiciness, saffron and cardamom, backed by ripe apricots and hints of dried stone fruit. Ripe, lovely mouthfeel.“
Riesling Kalkofen Smaragd 2022 – Silber 92 Punkte „Opulent nose with ripe aroma reminiscent of apricots, candied lemon zest and hints of aromatic herbs. Very ripe juicy fruit core.“